A Few Words
Banks, stockholders, creditors and private investors often need assurance that your financial statements accurately represent your true financial position. It’s just good business. Audited financial statements provide the highest level of assurance. If your company is publicly held, the Securities and Exchange Commission requires you to file annual reports that have to be audited.
”As an independent auditor, at our firm provides the information you need to improve your business.
Our firm serves as an independent auditor to examine your compiled financial statements — and the disclosures that go with it — to prepare a financial statement audit for your company. An audit involves a methodical review and objective examination of your finances, including a review of your internal controls, tests of selected transactions and inquiries to other parties.
As an experienced auditor in the Manhattan and New York City metropolitan area, our firm has to attest to the validity of your audited financial statements and other disclosures. The resulting financial statement audit reports on whether your financial statements are fairly stated and free of material misstatements. Without this report, your reviewed financial statements lose their credibility.
Financial statement audits verify your reported performance and financial position. They also corroborate your own findings to ensure that you’re on track to maintain your continued highest profitability. Hiring a CPA firm in NYC like our firm can pay dividends by finding any problems or mistakes before they become unintended disasters. There are two main accounting frameworks that have made audited financial statements more common:
- Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
- International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
NKSD Service Pvt.ltd. follows three primary stages for any financial audit:
- Risk assessment and planning. At this beginning stage, your auditor spends time learning about your business and business environment. This preliminary work helps your auditor gain an understanding about the way your business operates. The information helps the auditor assess potential risks that can adversely affect your audited financial statements.
- Testing internal controls. This stage assesses your company’s suite of controls. Your auditor commonly uses risk assessment questionnaires to test your internal controls, focusing on areas like:
*How well you safeguard your assets
*Whether proper authorizations are in place
*If you have a clear segregation of employee duties
Assessing your internal transactions can determine your company’s degree of effectiveness and control. Positive results mean the audit can go faster. If the potential for errors or misstatements are found, your auditor has to dig deeper to find the problem areas. This process, remember, only results in making your organization stronger. - Substantive audit procedures. The last stage includes an array of procedures and financial statement reviews, such as:
.*Cash review, to count your on-hand cash, review your bank statements, issue bank confirmations and check for restrictions on bank balances
* Analysis, which looks for anomalies by comparing your current finances with forecasted, historical and industry results
*Accounts receivable, an investigation of your collections, cutoff procedures and year-end sales, while confirming the balances in your accounts
*Marketable securities, that reviews your transactions, confirms your securities and verifies the market value
*Inventory, to obtain proof of your inventories, observe an inventory count, inspect shipping and receiving procedures, test your calculated overhead allocation, examine invoices, review production costs and trace inventory costs
*Accounts payable, which tests your year-end cutoffs while confirming all accounts
*Fixed assets, a review of your leasing documents, assets, authorizations for purchase and disposal, appraisals, amortization and depreciation
*Debt, which examines your lease agreements, obtains confirmation with your lenders and reviews the minutes from your board of director meetings
*Accrued expenses, to compare your balances to the previous year’s, examine subsequent payments and re-compute accruals
*Expenses, a review of your transactions and expenses, while confirming any abnormal items with outside vendors and suppliers
*Revenue, which examines sales documents, including transactions and sales returns in the last year
For publicly-held companies, shareholders generally appoint the auditors. Public companies’ audited statements become part of their public record. Even some private companies choose to release their financial statement audits.
Audits can deliver many benefits beyond assuring investors, stockholders and lenders, however. One advantage of a rigorous audit is that it provides insight into your firm’s management, highlighting areas that may improve the company’s processes or controls. At our firm, auditor must communicate any negative aspects of their audit, like control deficiencies, to you. These reports enhance processes within the business, adding value to your company and aiding in your strategic planning processes.
Nonprofit or tax-exempt organizations must file Form 990 with the IRS. Private foundations file Form 990-PF (Private Foundation). While financial statement audits are required for all publicly held companies, other businesses and entities can benefit from a financial statement audit. Nonprofits in particular receive the following nonprofit audited financial statements:
*Balance sheet — or statement of financial position — is a summary of the liabilities, assets and net assets of your institution at a specific date.
*Cash flow statement summarizes the resources available during its reporting period. The report tracks income and expenses. Projected cash flow statements show shortfalls during the budget and strategic planning process.
*Income expense statement — or statement of activity — documents your organization’s financial activity over the course of a year or longer, reporting income minus expenses to show profit or loss.
*Functional expenses statement reports expenses related to support and program services. Program service expenses are divided by your institution’s programs — such as management expenses.
Hiring an auditor is a business decision, but cost isn’t the only factor. Find an auditor with experience and integrity — someone like the auditing professionals at Miller & Company who sees the big picture. There are three layers of financial statement examinations:
- Compilation: information gathering.
- Review: cursory examination of the data.
- Audit:a detailed review of your finances
Compilations are the least expensive option, and audits cost the most, but as is so often the case in the business world, you get what you pay for. Auditors have to adhere to stricter standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), and these standards take longer and are more expensive to complete. If you’re not sure what you need, talk to Narshkumar CPA LLC for straight talk about your financial statement review.
Do you have questions about services we offer including Audited Financial Statements in NYC? Would you like to receive a personal Audited Financial Statements consultation customized to your specific needs? To schedule an appointment with our firm, please contact our Long Island or NYC tax accountants for a CPA consultation.
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